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Nursing Student Dress Code Policy


The Student Dress Code Policy (Dress Code) at Florida Technical College (FTC) is purpose is to develop professional standards and appearance while in college. This policy is intended to establish the guidelines for student’s dress, grooming, and personal hygiene appropriate for a college career environment. The overall appearance of FTC students influences how they and the college are perceived. Although FTC Administration, Director of Nursing and Faculty are committed to ensuring the FTC Dress Code is not discriminatory, they will review individual requests for reasonable accommodations when possible, to include religious, ethnic or health reasons.


As healthcare providers, nursing students are expected to demonstrate conservative, safe, modest and professional dress and grooming. This policy is to be observed by ALL nursing students. Students must always wear their NUC University-FTC School of Nursing picture ID while on campus or at any clinical site. They may also be required to wear the ID of the clinical facility (if required) while on site.

UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS for the Clinical Setting: Clinical Sites, Skills Lab & Simulation

The uniform policy is designed to protect the personal safety of students and patients, protect the professional image of   nursing, and identify NUC University-FTC School of Nursing students. The uniform, including the NUC University-FTC School of Nursing identification badge, must be worn in clinical settings and/or other special School of Nursing activities as notified by College Administration. The uniform is not to be worn in non-clinical settings without prior written approval from the School of Nursing. This policy must be observed by all core nursing students.

The following standards are expected to be followed by all FTC Nursing students while at an FTC campus, skills lab, clinical sites, and community events to be representing FTC at official school functions:

  1. All Nursing students must wear the provided uniform at all times during their education at FTC including skills lab, simulation, and clinical setting.
    • 2 Sets-Cherokee Revolution Scrub Tops with School of Nursing patch and Pants in Pewter Gray
    • 1-Cherokee Revolution Scrub Jacket with Zipper and School of Nursing patch in Pewter Gray
    • 1-Port Authority Short-Sleeved Polo with School of Nursing patch in Pewter Gray (for Community Events)
  2. Uniforms must be kept clean and wrinkle-free and washed after each wear. They should properly fit the student. No underwear should show when they bend over.
  3. NUC Nursing pewter gray polo should be worn with tan/khaki long pants. No shorts are permitted.
  4. Nursing students must be in uniform to be in the lab unless otherwise instructed by the Faculty. Students must change out of their scrubs after clinicals before going somewhere. This will reduce the spread of germs.
  5. It is recommended to wear a T-shirt underneath the scrub top in black, gray or white to serve as an extra barrier to protect student’s from patients body fluids. Patients should not be able to see any anatomy of the students’ bending over to assist the patient.
  6. FTC Student Identification and Hospital ID must be displayed.
  7. Shoes must be all white or black that are closed toed, and closed heels (athletic shoes or duty shoes) and made of a solid non mesh or non-canvas material. Shoes must have a non-slip bottom. When wearing shoes, it’s best to pair them with solid-colored black or white socks.
  8. No hats, beanies, baseball caps, visors or any type of head gear, to include surgical caps are to be worn in the classroom or clinicals.
  9. Nursing student’s hair must be clean, neat, pulled back to avoid contact with the uniform and kept away from the face. If a student’s hair touches the collar, it must be fastened back securely from the face so that the long ends remain behind the shoulders.
  10. Facial hair for men must be short and well-groomed.
  11. Nails must be short, clean, and natural-colored (no polish, acrylics, or gels).
  12. Jewelry and piercings must not pose an obstacle to donning, wearing and removing personal protective equipment (i.e. gloves). Jewelry and piercings may not dangle or pose a risk of entanglement or interfere with standards of infection control.
  13. Jewelry is very limited (wedding band, simple engagement ring, watch, and small stud earrings).
  14. Body piercings that cannot be removed may be required to be covered. Tattoos of a graphic, vulgar, or offensive nature must be covered. A sleeve is recommended to cover up tattoos in black, gray, or white. Some clinical sites might have policies requiring no visible tattoos allowed, requiring full cover up.
  15. Avoid strong perfumes, lotions, and makeup. The use of perfumes and/or fragrances is not allowed in the acute care setting due to possible patient sensitivity and/or allergy. Students may wear subtle makeup. False eyelashes are not permitted.
  16. Students should refrain from smoking while in uniform. No gum chewing, vaping or smoking in uniform is permitted.
  17. Cell phones should be used only for specific purposes; i.e. look up drug information while in clinical pre-conference or post-conference or before administering. No unsupervised cell phone use; all calls taken must be off the unit/patient area during break or lunch.
  18. A student shall not use social media, texting, emailing, or other forms of communication with, or about a patient, for non-healthcare purposes or for purposes other than fulfilling the student’s assigned clinical responsibilities.


The FTC Administration, Director of Nursing and Faculty are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the Dress Code Policy. The policy will be administered according to the following action steps:

  1. FTC Faculty will hold a personal, private discussion with the student regarding their attire violation.
  2. If what is deemed as a blatant policy violation occurs, the Executive Director, Academic Dean or Director of Nursing will hold a private discussion with the student and require they take immediate necessary steps to make their appearance comply with the Dress Code Policy.
  3. FTC Administration, Director of Nursing and Faculty will not tolerate repeat policy violators. Those students who do not comply with the FTC Dress Code Policy will be disciplined in a manner reflecting the professional standards of their current academic program. Such action may have consequences such as, deduction of professionalism points, and disciplinary action up to and including suspension and/or expulsion from FTC.


All students will be provided with a copy of the Nursing Student Dress Code Policy.

Students may purchase additional uniforms online at https://uniformoutfittersfl.com/PreferredGroupLoginPage. Group Login Code: NUCFTC


FTC reserves the right to rescind and/or amend this Student Dress Code Policy at any time.

An appropriate and respectful appearance should be maintained in order to decrease distraction and ensure that all students have the best possible learning environment. Your appearance is a direct reflection of your attitude regarding your chosen profession; and this, in turn, is a reflection of Florida Technical College. Because you are a student, and not employees of any of the clinical agencies where you may do your lab and clinical experience, faculty have the discretion to decide what is considered professional attire, and will counsel any student if necessary. Failure to follow lab/clinical policies may result in immediate program dismissal.

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